Machine gun pool


The ShouYi team wants to bring DeFi users a first-class DeFi service with low fees. Each pool can use a different strategy, but most of the pools use Shouyi's proprietary automated compounding strategy.

Machine gun pool

  • Stabilization pool

  • Risk Pool


The most cost-effective aggregator on the HSC (Hoo Smart Chain).

ShouYi understands that profitability and fees are quite important for DeFi users. Therefore, ShouYi Aggregator has decided to charge the lowest possible fees. The following sections provide the fees associated with Shouyi's pools and include detailed information about each fee. For the sake of transparency, the drop-down section for each pool specifies the pool's fees.

3.APY and APR

  • APY:Represents the compound interest accrued on a specific investment over a one-year period.

  • APR:Represents simple interest generated from a specific investment during a one-year period.

APY more accurately reflects the expected annual return on this investment.

Last updated